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Welcome to KO Tuition Club!

Established in 2003, KO Tuition Club has been offering tuition services of the highest quality to primary and secondary students. Since then, we have earned rave reviews from our parents and students for being a tuition club with high standards of teaching and learning materials.

As an MOE registered learning entity, KO Tuition Club maintains strict adherence to MOE syllabus [curriculum] with experienced and dedicated teachers. Adopting goal setting with motivational strategies and to cater for a nurturing learning environment, the class size is kept at a ratio of one teacher to 9 students…

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KO’s Motto
The “KO” in our name KO Tuition Club stands for Knocking Out Obstacles to Achieve SUCCESS!!

KO’s Mission
Whilst other tuition centres impose mandatory profiling tests to determine enrolment criteria, KOTC totally dispenses such requirements. In so doing, KOTC does not discriminate students for eligibility and accepts students with the weakest results to the [..]

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